




Thursday, December 28, 2006

Top 10 Greetings of 2006

It's that time of year, and as usual, we at did not want to dissappoint. Top 10 lists are all the rage...but it started here first. So here is our annual list of the top 10 greetings of the year.

Top 10 Public Greetings of 2006

10. "Hello"
The old standard is back. 2005 was a hard year for 'hello,' but the 'H Word' was given a heavy boost with its prominence in the film adaptation of 'The Da Vinci Code,' and it never looked back.

9. "What's up, Dude?"
Is he being casual, or is he just that cool? This is the question that lingers after our number 2 greeting is uttered. At work, in a bar, or bulking up at the gym, this greeting is sure to make a statement, dude.

8. "Hey"
'Hey' isn't just for horses anymore. This word jammed greeting radars on both coasts to make its first appearance on our top ten. Using it too often is a 'no no,' but once in a while, 'hey,' why not?

7. "Good morning"
Hipsters everywhere turned this baby boomer bore into an ironic call to arms. 'Good morning,' yeah right! You can trust that anyone over thirty might not catch the joke. But isn't that the point?

6. "Yo"
We can all thank Fifty Cent for this gem. Dont worry, even if your not a hip hop rapper, you can enjoy this vowel filled greeting. Just ride the beat and expect a high five to come your way.

5. "mm hmmm" (clearing ones throat)
Maybe greeting isn't the word, but this definitely lets others know that you're in the room. This gem usually works best while working your way through the crowd, but in the age of 'I'm here, bitch,' a good throat clear can turn a night on the town into drinks on the house.

4. "I'm here, bitch"
And so you are. A sleeper until late in the year, 'I'm here, bitch,' wouldn't take 'hello' for an answer. A mix of O.C. trash and Park Ave. brash. 'I.H.B.' alienates to the point of envy.

3. "Whassup!"
It's back, and it's better than ever. What was once a novelty saying, that made even the biggest shut in ask for a cool Bud, is now an attention getter and a way of life. It is even rumoured that Prince William managed to give a 'whassup' to that 'it girl' named after a certain French city (Paris...Hilton).

2. "Welcome"
Who said kindness doesn't pay? 'Welcome' was one of the top 50 words searched on google in '06, surpassing both 'striptease' (no. 62) and 'god' (no. 64). Now that's a welcome statistic (for everyone but topless religious freaks).

1. "Hi"
Awkward pimpled teens, Marine Corp Historians, reality show craving moms, and post-psuedo-neo-punk-dropouts can all agree: 2006 was the year of 'Hi.' NASA sent out a probe to the outer limits of the milkyway repeating the one syllable salutation, while Jack Nicholson got 'hi' at the premier of 'The Departed.' One thing can definitely be said for this greeting with unstopable greeting power -- it will be a long time before we say 'bye' to 'hi.'

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Least Heard Song Of 2006

I compiled notes from every radio station and personal music collection this year, and finally tabulated the least heard song of 2006: "My Sharona" by The Knack.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, here is a film that was made this past summer.

"Burbank Steel in The No-Porn Porno."
A sultry look into the world of actors and producers in sunny Burbank California. Unfortunately, the film's budget did not allot enough money for actual sex scenes. Here is all of the existing footage edited for your pleasure. Concept by Alex James.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

New Vids For The Kids

Here are two new videos for you to enjoy. Pass them on.

Bespectacled Men.

Finally, the age old question is answered. What is it like to live with a bespectacled man?

Life and Death of a Man Starring Matt LeBlanc

Craig and Matt LeBlanc (of Friends and Ed fame) spent one weekend in film school on this film/journey. Enjoy and express.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Drunken C.E.O Christmas Party Speech

I just went to my company's Christmas party. All it was missing was a drunken speech. This is what I would liked to have heard.

"Fellow workers. Thanks and thanks so much more. You truly are the best of breed. I hope you're listening when I say this: Beauty is captured in your work ethics. Both men and women. Men can be beautiful.

"It wasn't so long ago that I was a young boy, blossoming into manhood. Every day a new adventure, every stride leading to a new feeling. From baseball and cracker jack to lone plains and lovers trysts. Forget-me-nots and tiger lillies. Chiffon and crepes.

"I hope that this night has brought us all closer. I'd like to ask for everyone to hug the person next to you, but I think the people in accounting have image problems. So happy Christmas and Kwanzaa and Hannukah.

"And yes, bonuses will be payed this year to all, in April.

"Who's buying? Just kidding."

-Charles Scranton (President of Hethum Inc.)

Check Rory and Craig out on MTVU again -- new clip.
The Freshman Press on the pic of 4 people talking, that says 'The Freshman,' when the next window pops up, scroll down on the right to where it says "Holiday Essentials - Part 6" with a pic of Rory. You'll have to watch a minute of video before our segment airs.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Celebrity Sponsorships are always looking for ways to diversify. Recently, comedy actor Kal Penn (of Harold and Kumar fame) sat down and did a short spot for

For full clip of Kal Penn hosting MTVU's Fresh Produce with a short by RandC, go here:

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

For Lars Ulricher or Poorer

Let me just start by saying if you have not seen the tell all Metallica Documentary, Some Kind of Monster, I suggest you stop reading this blog and go rent, buy and watch it. It will shape you.
As I was sitting in on a conference call to a Font Software Company at work the other day, I was struck with the presence of Lars Ulrich. Now I’m not saying that Lars Ulrich was actually at the meeting, but the IT guy from my company channeled his voice and mannerisms so precisely that if I closed my eyes I was sure the hard-hitting drummer was in the room. This bought me to a great conclusion, with his intense sense of self importance and love of his own voice, Lars Ulrich would have made a perfect computer help desk employee had the whole heavy metal thing not panned out. Imagining Lars gabbing away in tech speak is one of my new favorite ways to pass the time.

Saturday, December 2, 2006


I know we're all waiting for a new Terminator film. That's why I'm currently shopping around a treatment for the 4th installment, where the T-100 quits being a Terminator, and picks up work as an exterminator. He still gets his kicks killing bugs, and **spoiler** there is some internal debate whether killing is wrong altogether.

Potential lines from the film.

1. "I'll bee back." (After being told at one apartment that there is, in fact, a bee nest).

2. "I'm the Exterminator. No, not the X Terminator. The EXterminator." (The X Terminator is a bad guy in the movie).

Friday, December 1, 2006

Blogs For Charity

Whoever reads this, in the whole wide world, this blog is for you. I know that this is a brash step, but someone had to do it. This is a charitable blog for all the dreamers, thinkers and lovers. But I shouldn't stop there. It's even for the slammers, the dopers and the wackies. Enjoy, for thou art a blogger too; at very least, in your heart.