




Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Youtube Salute

It's that time again. Time to pick out the best cover of Iron Maiden's Flight of Icarus on Youtube. The winner is...These kids.

Forget Presidential politics, these kids are the hope for this country. When I was these kids age, if I was even able to play the guitar at that point, I was barely able to get out the chords of Smells Like Teen Spirit on my yamaha guitar. These kids are ripping face, blasting the solos on an entire Iron Maiden song. Also let us not forget the warlock, real flame job and arcane futuristic guitars. Keep it up dudes.

Also for the first time we have special acknowledgment for bass covers. And the winner of Best bass cover of Iron Maiden's Flight of Icarus goes to...This guy.

I originally was not into this cover. I thought it was a sultry delusion of a metal classic. But right around 1:35, things really take a turn. This guy totally flips it and commences with the thunder bass. Oh and he unfurls his mighty locks just in case you aren't totally convinced of the power shift. I respect his cockiness after the shift because hey, he had me fooled.

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